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I'm still waiting for someone to make a movie where the entire image is warped into a circle. I guarantee that it will happen.
Well there's always Disney's CircleVision 360. Although it's only ever been used for "travelog" type attractions. It's cool, but you wind up looking "ahead" most of the time, as the notion of turning around to see "behind" you gets old fast.
Back in 2015 i was hired to run part of a film festival at a multi-screen theater here in SF.
One day, while walking around the complex, I noticed that they had the same movie playing
in two different auditoriums - - in two different aspect ratios. This wasn't intentional. The
movie (I think it was 'Tomorrowland') was in one of those not-quite-flat-or-scope aspect
ratios, (2.20) and the shows had been programmed by two different employees. One guy
programmed it as FLAT, and the other programmed it as SCOPE.