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The legacy Dolby Servers DSS100,200,220 are very forgiving about HDD models. I would recommend some current NAS/RAID optimised drive.
The IMS systems are a bit more limited. Question also, is the server still under warranty.
My IMS2000 isn't under warranty Carsten. I've seen a 1tb drive on the Dolby approved list, but would prefer to upgrade to 2tb if possible so if you know of any that will work OK that would be great.
I have used generic WD 2TB drives in my IMS2000 for 5+ years. The system pops us non-error warnings some times, but I have never had a playback issue related to the drives.
I have had one fail and had to replace it.
From my understanding, you can use SSD based (As they are so cheap now) 2TB drives and it should be fine. And likely outlast the IMS2000 once you go SSD.
My only initial issue with going with commodity drives is that they are thinner and change the thermal flow. But it did not appear to be a problem in my many years of doing it this way. But then again my projection rooms are kept well cool.
Dolby also did, due to the fact the units are no longer supported, and so many people are using domestic disks, loosen the warning the system posts on drives it is unfamiliar with. (Was mentioned in release notes)
In the day these systems were developed, disks were not as fast as they are typically now, so famine errors were possible. But now, everything, even the cheapest units are much faster and can easily feed the J2K decoder without issue. Especially if SSD.
Also, consider an SSD and its write tolerance, as a 3x2TB disk. and the limited 2-3 DCP per week. You are not actually writing that much. A computer with 1 SSD just on general tasks over a week is likely to write more on average. SSD are also lower power utilisation and heat. So.. If I had some disks go, I would definitely be replacing them with SSD now. I just have not had the need to for 2-3 years,
I'm reasonably certain that the IMS1000 has no 2TB options. It is a hardware RAID and is probably limited to whatever RAID controller they used.
the IMS2000 and IMS3000 can use the same 1TB or 2TB drives.
Currently for 2TB drives.
Transcend TS2TSSD452K (IMS2000s must be serial number 315220 or higher).
DSS servers pretty much work with whatever you throw at them. I've been using the Toshiba drives as well as the "Legacy" drives by WD (HA210 series). They are available in 1TB and 2TB versions. Note, the HA210 series are what GDC has been using on their "box" servers too. 1TB are the
1W10001 and the 2TB are the 1W10002. But, again, the DSS line is not fussy. I wouldn't use desktop drives. I've seen them cause playback issues...in fact, those are the only playback issues I've ever seen on the DSS line...the server was loaded with Seagate desktop drives. They worked for a period of time but after about a year became rather problematic.
Yes, I am using IMS2000, and it appears to be happy with any consumer 2TB disk from my experience, Yes from my understanding, the IMS1000 uses a hard-coded hardware RAID system that can only support the drives prescribed by Dolby. (Unfortunately, wonder what happens when they are no longer available).
I've used WD Red SSDs in IMS2000s, 3000s, and all variants of Barco ICMP, in both the 1TB and 2TB sizes, without any faults. The closest thing to an issue is that in the IMS2000, they will generate a SMART warning, because the firmware is trying to read spinning rust SMART parameters that return no value in a SSD, obviously. But that doesn't prevent them from working.