Originally posted by Jim Cassedy
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out about 6 or 8 feet for special events, but I did find the pix below of the identical type of portable stage
that we used at another venue where I sometimes worked. ( I get around! ) - - This auditorium had NO
stage, so when we needed one, this one got set up in front of the screen. We had enough to pretty
much cover the entire width of the screen, but in practice, we'd only set up enough of it as was
necessary for the nature of the event. These pix show it set up for an event where some young film
makers were going to come up and accept an award for their work, so we didn't need alotta space.
We did take out the middle portion of the first row of seats. When not in use, the platforms got packed
in several large road-style cases with wheels, which were stored under the emergency exit staircase.
(yes- - we still passed fire inspection!)
(This venue also had a full curtain, which, we would close to protect the screen if we just had a musical
group or some guest panel discussion which didn't require any projectionstuff)