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Hello everyone, I would like to know if there is a way to flash my ICP card or change its firmware, since I am having problems on a nec 1200, I have a functional nec 900 ICP and somewhere I read that the firmware could be changed, if anyone could Provide me with the program and the manual files, I will be very grateful.
Firstly, is is very important to save a full backup from your 1200, including capturing the configuration files from its bad ICP, before proceeding.
I'm not sure if you'll need to swap faceplates to get the ICP from the 900 into the 1200: you may. In any case, once the swap has been done, clear the service door tamper. You will likely be left with a bunch of formatter communication errors, plus a "DLP Ack Fail" error at this point. Do a "full auto update" with the current software/firmware bundle version (if I remember correctly, it's 4.320). After the reboot, all the errors except the "DLP Ack Fail" error should be gone. Now restore your backup, and that one should go, giving you a green tail light.
If you need the software/firmware files, you'd need to contact SharpNEC. Here, their technical support address is SNDSA-cinemasupport [at] sharpusa.com, but given that you're in Colombia, they might refer you to another address.
Hello, after a long vacation I returned to this topic, communication with NEC only asks unanswered questions... they do not take much into account the South American part... effectively the faceplate is changed between 1200/900, how do I make the copy of security? from the dcc with the service user I would assume, but what specific option? I'm still hoping someone can provide me with the files.