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I've never had any good experience with screen cleaning services. Other than some very localized spot cleaning, I'm not sure you really want to clean your average screen with anything more radical than a feather duster...
You can only attempt to clean matte white screens, might work, might not. It's a big no-no with any and all gain screens. It's a good way to ruin that silver screen you've been wanting to replace for a long time...
What they said. If your screen is simply dusty, there are options to CAREFULLY get the dust off, search the old forum as there was a thread there that had some good product recommendations and advice. (Use the Forum Archive button on the top of the page.) Any cleaning will take a LOT of time, as you must work slowly and very gently to not damage the screen.
If it is ANYTHING other than dust, forget it. Even on a matte screen you WILL end up damaging the surface, creating a hot spot, dead spot, streaks or smears. Then you will be forced into buying a new screen.
If it is just dust and light loss, crank up the lamp a bit if you have the headroom, and start saving up for a new screen.
even back in the film days, I used to recommend screen replacement after 7-10 years to my customers, especially those with silver or high gain screens, by that time the duvatine masking was usually ready to disintegrate too! And I had them hire a screen cleaning service yearly like Broken Hand or others. The screen IS the least expensive solution to achieve good presentation!
Hi Phil,
Give me a call or feel free to email. We are in your area a few times a year for other clients.
We may be able to help depending on what is going on with your screen(s).
Mike Quaranto
1570 Cinema Services mike@1570cinemaservices.com
281.642.9958 - mobile