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  • Don't ask me why they published the software through a non Sony related cloud access method. Maybe they wanted to distribute it at least partly immediately to end users as well.


    • The cloud file share service linked in isdcf document is a Sony service
      They have published also the LMT-300 version 2.51.11


      • Apologies for reviving this Y2K24 thread. Remind me...

        What presentation would an out of date SMPTE DCP CPL certificate exhibit on a non-patched GDC SX2000 server?

        I tried to nudge management as soon as GDC released the final fixes, but our unit in the smaller theatre is out of warranty and apparently no one was eager to throw any money around to buy into an extended warranty so we could get the files sent to us. *face palm*

        We are in summer classics mode now, and for the first time we've had 3 titles ingest but throw a "CPL Signature Invalid" error while doing so or verifying. Keys ingest, and a couple of them played anyway even with the error present in verify. Deluxe sent us a VF for one that allowed playback. The other titles seem to permit playback without the updated VF.

        Is this the expected behavior if Y2K24 expired certificate were the cause? Or perhaps the expected behavior when KDMs are issued with the "GDC Workaround" involving excluding the "ContentAuthenticator" field?

        Thanks for refreshing my memory. We are good for tomorrow's films but expect this headache to continue.


        • Originally posted by Ryan Gallagher View Post
          Apologies for reviving this Y2K24 thread. Remind me...

          What presentation would an out of date SMPTE DCP CPL certificate exhibit on a non-patched GDC SX2000 server?

          I tried to nudge management as soon as GDC released the final fixes, but our unit in the smaller theatre is out of warranty and apparently no one was eager to throw any money around to buy into an extended warranty so we could get the files sent to us. *face palm*

          We are in summer classics mode now, and for the first time we've had 3 titles ingest but throw a "CPL Signature Invalid" error while doing so or verifying. Keys ingest, and a couple of them played anyway even with the error present in verify. Deluxe sent us a VF for one that allowed playback. The other titles seem to permit playback without the updated VF.

          Is this the expected behavior if Y2K24 expired certificate were the cause? Or perhaps the expected behavior when KDMs are issued with the "GDC Workaround" involving excluding the "ContentAuthenticator" field?

          Thanks for refreshing my memory. We are good for tomorrow's films but expect this headache to continue.
          One solution would be to buy the Blu-ray version of the classic movie, and create your own unencrypted DCP. A little more work on your end, but cheaper than paying for the extended warranty.


          • Originally posted by Ryan Gallagher View Post
            Remind me...What presentation would an out of date
            SMPTE DCP CPL certificate exhibit on a non-patched GDC SX2000 server?
            I can't answer your question about GDC's, but on our SONY XCT-X10 servers, the DCP's would
            ingest and verify with no errors, and if they were built into a playlist, the show went on normally,
            until you got to the content with the expired certificate . . .and then playback would just stop.

            One of the things that made the situation so frustrating was that usually, if there was corrupted
            content in a playlist, the server wouldn't play anything in the playlist at all- - you'd get an error
            message informing you that "some content in your playlist is corrupted" or something like that.

            So, if you didn't have time to preview or test play the content, you didn't really know that you
            had a problem. . .until your show crashed. The venue I'm at sometimes has as many as ½ a
            dozen retro titles a week, and although we try to run as many as possible on 35mm, we still
            had a significant number that were digital. I must say, that once the problem was identified
            Deluxe was really good at sending 'patch' VF's. Sometimes the patch files arrived with the
            KDM's but occasionally I'd have to call or e-mail to get one, and their response was always
            quick. Several months ago, Sony, or whatever entity has taken over what's left of their pro
            digital cinema operations issued software updates and we've had no certificate issues since.
            (Although for some reason, once the new software was installed, I had to re-calibrate all of
            the touch-screens on the server controllers, but that was a relatively minor task.


            • Originally posted by Rick Cohen View Post

              One solution would be to buy the Blu-ray version of the classic movie, and create your own unencrypted DCP. A little more work on your end, but cheaper than paying for the extended warranty.
              Oh don't worry, we immediately went that route while we were investigating before keys went active. Managed to score 1 blu-ray backup locally. The 2nd film (2046) is unobtanium on blu-ray, dvd only. We managed to get deluxe to issue a VF for one of the ones throwing the ingest error (but still ingested), the same title we had gotten the blu-ray backup for.

              Once keys were active they all played, even the ones we never got the VF for. So I was speculating those had perhaps been re-done with the early workaround method that permitted playback.

              For the other one I recorded a copy off a streaming service as a "just in case it crashes" backup, made a DCP of that.

              The shows went fine with the DCPs we had today. No backups were put into play.

              We had also contacted GDC previously (before the fix) and yesterday talked to weekend support, they wanted to refer us to Sales on monday since we were out of service warranty. Sales may just refer us back to service since this is Y2K24 related. But probably not without doing their best effort to pitch a new product first.

              In the end they might all have played fine, but we couldn't know that before keys were live, so we went into the usual frenzy yesterday trying to cover our needs.


              • Originally posted by Jim Cassedy View Post
                Sony, or whatever entity has taken over what's left of their pro
                digital cinema operations issued software updates and we've had no certificate issues since.
                (Although for some reason, once the new software was installed, I had to re-calibrate all of
                the touch-screens on the server controllers, but that was a relatively minor task.
                Glad to hear your woes are sorted. It really is a burden of us retro houses. We are doing up to 12 a week all summer. But thankfully most of them on the Doremi that has been patched. GDC is less booked in the smaller room.

