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DCP Live Playback IMS3000

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  • DCP Live Playback IMS3000

    Friends, good day.

    I turn to you for help. Can you tell me how to put a DCP in Live Playback on an IMS3000? I have an event at 7 PM (Central Mexico) but the Hard Drive, which comes from the Laboratory, will arrive at 6:30 PM so it will be impossible for me to put it into storage and also test the content.

    Thanking you in advance for your help.

  • #2
    I believe that you do this via the "P'Ingest" function:

    I've never had to do this myself, and so am not 100% sure how it works, but my understanding is that it makes a CPL on an external drive or FTP server visible to add to a playlist, without actually ingesting it to local storage.


    • #3
      I've had to do this once a long time ago. Here's the complete procedure from page 70 of the Dolby Manual:

      The only thing is that it's not 100% "Live" play- - you did have to wait a short period of time for a certain percentage of
      the content to ingest before it would begin playing back. (But I don't recall, nor does the manual state, how much of a
      "buffer" needs to be created before you can play back. GOOD LUCK!


      • #4
        Ok... but from what I understand this would be like from server to server, since I have the Hard Drive connected to the IMS3000 but only the Quick Ingest option is enabled.



        • #5
          Here is the example of when I select a server from another room it does enable the P'ngest option.20240115_184925.jpg


          • #6
            My goal was to play directly from the Hard Drive, just as it can be done with the GDC IMBs.Screenshot_20240115-190336_Adobe Acrobat.jpg


            • #7
              The Play Ingest is the best you have. Live Play, like in the GDC and Barco IMSes is not an option. Play Ingest needs a certain buffer to operate.


              • #8
                If I remember right, 'Doremi' P'Ngest relies on a DCP already being ingested and verified on another server. Therefore, it can not happen from a local harddrive. I had thought Dolby had implemented a DirectPlay option on the IMS3000 finally. As their DSS200 already had that feature. Wasn't DirectPlay on a feature list for the IMS3000? I remember something...

                - Carsten


                Bildschirmfoto 2024-01-16 um 12.29.02.png
                Last edited by Carsten Kurz; 01-16-2024, 04:30 AM.


                • #9
                  The IMS3000 is different than earlier Doremi. It can play directly off of the drive via USB3. I believe, if you have a CRU bay, with a USB3 connection, the content will show up in Cinelister (you may have to use "Quick Ingest", not PInjest) and you can select it and play (or put it into a playlist).

                  P'Injest is where you let the ingest get a head start (at least 15 minutes or are filling a bucket that will be emptying as it plays so you have to not run out of bits. Quick Ingest I believe merely puts the CPL in the server so it knows how to play it.


                  • #10
                    Dolby's naming conventions are pretty vague and inconsistent.

                    The IMS3000 has a feature called "Play ingest" or "Play while ingest" or "Quick ingest" (the actual name in the UI), which is technically mostly the same as "Pngest" or "P'ngest" or "P-ngest" but for "shipping drives" rather than other servers.

                    It still copies the DCP to the local storage though, as it essentially still just plays from the local disks, just with a head start. I'm not sure if it copies the entire DCP or just sufficient to buffer it. It will not appear in your content library afterwards, so it doesn't do a "full ingest" or it silently deletes the files afterwards.

                    Dolby made a movie about it.
                    Last edited by Marcel Birgelen; 01-16-2024, 07:52 AM.


                    • #11
                      Marcel, If you watched the video till the end, Kevin explicitly states, the content will disappear once the drive is disconnected because Quick Ingest never ingested the content. All it does when you Quick Ingest is get the necessary info to play the movie.


                      • #12
                        [duplicate post]


                        • #13
                          I watched the movie, like a year or so ago... I've used the feature myself a few times. To me it seems it still uses the local storage as a buffer device. Also, there is a little delay before you start the ingest and you're able to add it to the playlist.

                          But yes, like you (and I) mentioned, the content will not be available in your inventory afterwards, like a normal ingest.

                          Then again: The naming and the location of the feature is highly confusing.


                          • #14
                            Yeah but what isn't on that UI?


                            • #15
                              IMS3000 user manual issue 9 explains a bit more the differences between P'ngest and Quick Ingest:
                              P’ngest allows the user to ingest content from a supported server while playing back the same content. This functionality is supported on DCP2000, DCP2K4, ShowVault, IMS1000, IMS2000, IMS3000, and Dolby TMS.
                              About this task
                              A portion of the content is ingested which creates a buffer. The content becomes available in CineLister when that buffer is reached.​

                              Quick Ingest is an emergency feature that allows playback from a USB 3.0 or eSATA shipping drive. When a USB 3.0 or eSATA shipping drive is detected, the Ingest Manager page will display a new option called Quick Ingest. When Quick Ingest is selected, a CPL can be quickly made available (within one minute) in the CineLister page.
                              About this task
                              When the shipping drive is removed, content will be removed from CineLister since it was never ingested. Playback from a distribution hard drive may encounter brief playback issues

                              Still with 3.5.20 Quick Ingest can't be completely disabled: the IMS will trigger it if the HDD contains one or few DCPs and if the projectionist click on "Go to Ingest" button on the popup that appears when connecting the HDD.

