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We have a customer that encountered the warning message of battery voltage low.
It is GDC SR1000 & SR 1100. What is type of battery? It is diffierent than SX3000 and SX4000 model.
You would be best to contact GDC in China regarding that, they have a choice of three offices there. In many cases they may offer to send you a new battery. At least they do that frequently here in the States. Also, do this ASAP because you may lose the server certificate if the battery completely dies.
It is a three pronged battery and not the same as the SX3000 or 2000AR. It is also larger and held in better. The ones I've encountered are Tadiran TL5934. There are some ribbon cables going over them that you'll need to get our of your way...BE CAREFUL!
Having a non conductive tool like an "orange stick" or plastic tweezers or spudger can be quite handy to remove these batteries (1 at a time and let the system stabilize with the new battery for a minute before going after the second one).
GDC DOES have a tech bulletin on the battery replacement (156-202006). The current SR-1000 software also puts the battery health icon in the lower-right corner of the display. if you hover over it, it will give you the voltage of both batteries too. Pretty nifty, if you ask me.
1232.jpg I share the tricky to replace the battery of SX3000 and SX4000 server. The board has a backup power connector in the corner that can be connected an external power supply when replacing the battery,which is much safer
to replace the battery. In other word, powering the IMB while replacing the battery,
If the unit is still in warranty, then in the USA at least, GDC will ship you a replacement battery set at no extra charge when it's time to swap them out. They may want a log package to confirm the low battery state. They added a prominent low battery warning to recent software updates for all their servers going as far back as the SX-2000AR, which I was very pleased to see.