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Hi everyone, please what could be the issue with my projector showing red color on its background while movie is playing. Look forward to your help. Many thanks
9 times out of 10, the ICP board needs to be reseated. It affects all three of the DLP projector brands but mostly Barco. If you have Christie, the LEQD board may also need to be reseated (the other end of the communication between the ICP and the satellite boards). This is presuming you don't have an outright color space issue. Reseating the ICP WILL cause a marriage tamper...so you need to have the proper credentials before proceeding.
Pull, contact clean, and reseat ICP, per Steve's advice. If this doesn't fix it...
Reseat the connections between the ICP and the formatters, checking for UV and other damage in the process (if this is an NEC Series 2 projector, pay close attention to the intervene board).
Swap the connections between red and another color (whichever is most easily accessible at the swap point). If the red background becomes the other color, the fault is not a bad formatter. If the background color stays red, you have a bad formatter (light engine).
If that is after cleaning, then I'm thinking red formatter issue. With the power off, try reseating the cables going to the red formatter (use the convergence adjusters to locate the red formatter (DON'T TURN THEM) by following where they go. There will be three cables on each formatter...the larger ones are the ones that I'd reseat (they are normally one right above another) but you can reseat all three. However, this could also be the connection between the DMD and the formater too but that is getting you into light engine repair.
Sadly, I agree completely with Steve. It is looking like it's a bad formatter, meaning that the fix is a new (or refurbed) light engine. Next step is to send a diagnostic package and that photo to your Barco dealer and ask for a quote. There is no way of sugar coating this: the light engine is the most expensive part in the projector, and a replacement will likely cost between the high four figures and mid five (USD). Definitely reseat the red data cables between the backplane and the formatter board just in case, though.
Hello Opeyemi,
The fault might be coming from the light engine, first of all reseat the ICP card if that didn't resolved the issue that means the fault is from the lightengine.