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I THINK I CAN CREATE SPEAKER FILES FOR THE QSC DCP 300... but I don't trust my skills or knowledge of speakers. ADVICE and ABUSE WELCOMED.
Well, you can start by dropping the "ALL CAPS" typing. QSC didn't really keep up with the other brands with the DCP300. And, even with their other crossovers (DCM 1-3 and DCM 10, DCM 30), they only sort of preloaded the crossover based on the manufacturer's published crossover points. While you can use a tabulated set of EQ parameters as a guide, things do not always translate perfectly from one DSP to another. I've found myself always having to roll my own "custom" crossover parameters based on what I measure in the field. I'll start with any known tuning but will move off of that once I see how the speaker performs in the space. I've found that even their time-delays (for crossover time-alignment) to not match what I measure in the field. Heck,
I don't agree with Q-SYS' tunings for their own speakers (Intrinsic Correction)! I go by what I find in the field and confirming with my ears.
What speakers do you mean? The C220 and 221 don't really need profiles. They can be used as passive or biamped, the crossovers are built in and can't be bypassed you just send full range to both inputs. Not sure about the 222 but probably the same.