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We might need to rent a long lens for a Barco DP4K-23B. All of the rental houses like PRG carry lenses in the Barco TLD+ mounting system.
I cannot get confirmation from the Barco NOC if these will fit my machine. Before renting one, does anyone know if the mount is the same?
I think that the TLD+ is for the "C" lenses...not the "B" lenses. B lenses translate to XLD series. Also note, the throw ratio for most lenses presume an HD ratio imager 16x9 versus the 1.8963 ratio of DCinema. As such, you'll need to adjust your throw ratios a bit from what is likely listed for the lens.
There are a few integrators represented on this forum (like by Steve Guttag and Leo Enticknap). They're usually not in the lens-rental business, but maybe they can help you out. Have you tried that route already?
We do keep some Barco lenses in stock, but generally not the specialty ones; and while we're not primarily in the rental business, we can sometimes help: usually when we have used equipment in stock that we bought back from an upgrading customer, but have not yet resold. I can't say for certain if we'd be able to do anything for you, but please feel free to contact sales [at] movingimagetech.com, or call (714) 751-7998. Our shop/warehouse is only around 150 miles from Phil (in Fountain Valley, CA), so if we did have something, shipping costs wouldn't be too bad.
We might need to rent a long lens for a Barco DP4K-23B. All of the rental houses like PRG carry lenses in the Barco TLD+ mounting system.
I cannot get confirmation from the Barco NOC if these will fit my machine. Before renting one, does anyone know if the mount is the same?
Long throw lenses are frequently referred to as "Event Lenses" and are used at most drive-ins due to the length of their throw. The Barco DP2K-32B was installed at many drive-ins, and uses the "B" style lens mount.
Thanks for the help. I found a rental house that carries the XLD mount lenses, $1000 for 4 days!
We'll see what resizing looks like, but we'll probably end up renting.
BTW, Rentex is the company in case anyone needs an XLD lens.
Thanks for the help. I found a rental house that carries the XLD mount lenses, $1000 for 4 days!
We'll see what resizing looks like, but we'll probably end up renting.
BTW, Rentex is the company in case anyone needs an XLD lens.
Interesting company! They have a brand new location about 20 miles south east of me. They also provide a wide range of sort of uncommon services on a large scale because of having nine locations.