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ByDeluxe content and key portal broken

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  • ByDeluxe content and key portal broken

    Is anyone else having problems signing in to ByDeluxe?

    I sign in using my usual login name filedata/fetch?id=37482&d=1713498846&type=thumb and password, and it goes to a different login screen.

    Logging in there, it takes me to an "Invalid login" page.

    If you use the "Request Access" link, it takes you to a message "We are no longer allowing users to self-register"

    If you try the "Change Password" option, it shows a form to send an email to your registered address with instructions on how to do that.

    But the message you get in your inbox has no instructions, instead the letter informs you that an unrecognized browser used your email to sign it (I have used the same browser for years).

    See attached images,

    I have tried also reaching out to ByDeluxe, and explained the problem, but so far no reply. And clearly there are many reasons to use different browsers and computers to sign in! That's why we have passwords.
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  • #2
    I just tried to login and after entering my password on the intitial login page I get to the "Welcome to the Content and Key Manager" screen that you show as your third picture and that's it. It just shows me that over and over after entering my login details.

    So I'd say it's broken.


    • #3
      Okay, this just arrived while composing that post.


      It's been "under maintenance" for over a month now. But at least they provided another help link. I'll let you know if it does any good.


      • #4
        I actually rarely use that site except occasionally to check to be sure they've got my next movie scheduled to start sending if it doesn't show up over the previous weekend.

        The keys just come by email and that's all I need most of the time.


        • #5
          That's fine, but I use it for keys and ingest letters (the ones they no longer ship with the drives, saving paper costs of $0.01.)


          • #6
            They will email the kdm to the address you have listed


            • #7
              The ingest letter (pdf) comes in the same email.


              • #8
                Yes, i tried the workaround, writing to and they mailed my missing keys.


                • #9
                  I initially had no trouble logging in yesterday (Thursday) afternoon when trying to track down
                  a KDM I hadn't received for a special show this weekend, but the site crashed several times
                  while I was trying to submit a support ticket to get the missing key. Eventually I got bumped
                  off entirely- - so I just emailed my request to their old support e-mail I had in my address book
                  and a KDM showed up on my TMS server about 10min later. For many years one of my
                  main sources of income was working a couple of screening rooms that mostly did advance
                  press & studio preview screenings, sometimes many weeks or months in advance
                  of the final release date. I was always very often having to track down keys and content for
                  those shows, and I welcomed the day that DeLuxe announced their online portal. I had been
                  hoping they could come up with something like that for several years which would allow me
                  (and others) to resolve issues without having to wait in a HOLD queue on their "800" number,
                  perpetually listening to the same, 'music on hold' tune which was abysmal in both musical
                  and audio quality.
                  > Occasionally, if I run into log-on problems at the DeLuxe website, I've found that clearing
                  all the DeLuxe cookies from my browser solves my log log in log jam.


                  • #10
                    I tried logging in on Weds and got the results you mentioned. I called and the person on the phone they'd been under maintenance for FOUR weeks with no idea when it would be fixed.


                    • #11
                      I like to use the portal to get our keys rather than the email because it's faster for me.

                      It has worked sporadically for me for a couple of years at least. Usually the problem is the colorful circular icon will be half-green and half-orange, indicating that there is a booking, but the keys aren't there yet. If I see that, it always means that the icon will stay that way through the end of our booking. So I just go to the email to get the keys.

                      Last week I tried using the portal again and had the problem described in the original post. I put in my password which Google had saved, so I know it was correct, but it claimed it was wrong. I checked my paper password note, to confirm I'd entered it correctly. Then I clicked the change-password link, put in a new password, and it still claimed it was wrong when I tried to get in with that one.

                      Yeah....diagnosis: Broken.


                      • #12
                        Glad to know this isn't just a me issue... I have been unable to log in for about a week and a half.


                        • #13
                          Glad to know this isn't just a me issue...
                          Nope... it's them, and as of Friday afternoon, they didn't know when it would be back up.


                          • #14
                            Good afternoon, has anyone been able to access the Deluxe site? It keeps indicating that the credentials are incorrect

                            Mike Moreno


                            • #15
                              Still an issue

