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I have another JSD60 with a blank screen and wont change format when the buttons are pushed.
Ive tried updating all the firmware, is there anything else that can be tried to recover the unit?
This is a known issue. Early units did not have gold plating on the header or ribbon connector that connects the front panel to the main board. After a while, these contacts develop a high resistance preventing communications between the front panel and the main board. This can usually be fixed by unplugging the front panel ribbon cable from the header on the main board and plugging it back in (similar to the common fix for projectors of reseating boards). It also helps to put Deoxit on the header before plugging the cable back onto the header.
Note that later units had gold contacts and, as far as I know, that resolved the issue.
This is a known issue. Early units did not have gold plating on the header or ribbon connector that connects the front panel to the main board. After a while, these contacts develop a high resistance preventing communications between the front panel and the main board. This can usually be fixed by unplugging the front panel ribbon cable from the header on the main board and plugging it back in (similar to the common fix for projectors of reseating boards). It also helps to put Deoxit on the header before plugging the cable back onto the header.
Note that later units had gold contacts and, as far as I know, that resolved the issue.
We had the same issue on a few of our JSD-60s and USL at the time replaced our front covers with the newer part which had the gold ribbon. The issue was resolved and never came back.
Deoxit on the ribbon contacts should also do the trick, since USL/QSC is no longer providing free replacements for the front panels.
Never had that issue, and I installed quite a few of them to replace original USL JS-95 processors during digital conversion. So I assume I got the units that had the gold ribbon contacts. In fact the JSD-60 and 80 were the most reliable pieces of audio gear I ever installed.