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3 QUESTIONS - one of my Lamp House power supplies (LPS) DIED in MY BARCO 20c. SO THE LAMPHOUSE IS RUNNING AT 50%. I BOUGHT A NEW UNUSED (2019) LPS. I assume I must remove the new LPS from its single "metal protective cage" and install in in the old twin "metal protective cage." I also assume that there will be a software mis-match between the two LPSs and it won't work until my service guy (dave) upgrades the software.
If you have the original "dual" power supply, the bad news is that they do not offer a means to put a single supply into the old dual-supply. The good news (such as it is) is that they have a dual-supply "upgrade" that has two supplies and a face-frame that, in the future, allows one to change one supply at a time. You must have an early 20C to have the original dual-supply (a holdover from the Series-1 days).
Changing the supplies is just about self explanatory. Take pictures, just in case, to ensure all of the interconnect cables go back in the same place. You'll need cutters for the wire ties that they use to route cables between the left/right supply. The only "trick" is on the fan side of the supply, there is a movable locator button (slides left/right) so that the supply sits in the receiver properly based on which side it is on.
Yes, the firmware in the supply will never match what you have. Rerun the software update of the firmware you are on and it will put the same firmware on the new supply.
Yes, the firmware in the supply will never match what you have.
At a site I service, there are 9 Cs in use (mix of 15Cs and 20Cs), plus we also have six power supply modules left over from when two DP2K-32Bs were upgraded to laser phosphor in February 2021. Last month, one of the modules in a 20C bit the dust, and I replaced it with one of the ones that came out of a 32B. No software mismatch was detected: it hooked up and just worked. So there have been no firmware updates for the Series 2 lamp power supply modules in the last three years, at any rate (the 20C was on 2.10.121 when its module failed). Of course there could be if you're putting a much older one back into service.