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NC2000 LPSU Problem

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  • NC2000 LPSU Problem

    Hi all,

    Having problems with a LPSU in a NEC2000. I took it out and put a brand new one and it giving me an UNKNOWN LPSU Model 7 error. Checking the box and comparing it to the one pulled out the model is different, old is KSX-4001MPNE and the new one is a KSX-4000NEVT. Please advise. Thanks!

  • #2
    Probably you need to update the projector the LPSU are in the projector firmware and if it is a new powersupply it may need to have the machine updated


    • #3
      Hi Gordon,

      Thats the first thing I did and the problem continue.


      • #4
        This is what the service manual suggests:

        I'm afraid that I don't know what those acronyms and abbreviations mean.

        I would suggest checking the seating of the cables, and ensuring that all the connections have gone to the same places on the new one as they did on the old one. I find that getting this wrong is an occupational hazard when working on NECs. Sometimes, on the multi-pin board connectors, they put a Sharpie slash across the two pieces to aid reassembly; but not always, and so it's always good to add your own where necessary, and/or take photos. I haven't had to swap out a LPSU on a 2000 yet, and so can't offer any specifics from personal experience - sorry.

        If all of that checks out, you may have been sent the wrong part. Check with your dealer, running those part numbers past them?


        • #5
          The PJDIV is the catch all I/O board for all things internal to a S2 NEC projector (if you are a Christie person, it is the Environment board...for Barco, the Fan Controller). So, that board and the cables that may be plugged into it.


          • #6
            Did the shop that sold you the board ensure you it would be compatible with the NC2000 you have?


            • #7
              Thanks Steve. So pull and reseat that as part of the troubleshooting process.


              • #8
                Just curious if you ever got to the bottom of this problem Leo? I never had any NEC LPSU issues, but I did pull them at 5 year intervals and blew them out... did it when when I changed AC On, Power On and ICP fans. They'd be quite dusty in spite of all the filtration....


                • #9
                  did you also replace the ignitor as they are LPSU specific


                  • #10
                    did you also replace the ignitor as they are LPSU specific
                    I only know of two igniters for the NC-2000... The original style which is NLA and was only used in the first two production years. And the replacement for that which works in any NC-2000. One was made by Sanrex and the other an off name company I never heard of. But I don't remember which is which time wise. I had one fail in a 2010 production projector which is how I know about the change.It would be nonsensical to have to also change the igniter if you switch the LPSU which I have done in 2-NC-1200's. IN fact the new LPSU was not at all software sensitive, but may have been in early projector firmware or if the projector did not receive timely updates.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Mark Gulbrandsen
                      Just curious if you ever got to the bottom of this problem Leo?
                      Wasn't my problem - we're waiting for an update from the thread starter (Marcial). If you know that those two part numbers he gives are completely interchangeable, then my guess would be connectors not having been hooked back up correctly.


                      • #12
                        Ahhhh, ok! I wold do the exact same thing. Like I mentioned there are two LPSU's for the NC-1200 and you can put either in and it will work. Same with the NC-2000 igniter. I did not have to do any updates to the NC-2000 to get the new igniter to work. I did keep my machines updated 3 times a year though.


                        • #13
                          So, the KSX-4000NEVT is the official, newer, replacement model for the KSX-4001MPNE? Or are they, out of the factory, used for specific machines only?


                          • #14
                            Hi all,

                            Following on this problem, the original LPSU is the KSX-4001MPNE model. When we ordered a new one from our dealer we simply ask for a new LPSU for a NEC2000. We received the KSX-4000NEVT model. All the specs and connectors are the same on both models. But when we installed it gave us the error. We double and triple checked the connections and all were fine.

                            Looking at the NEC Partner Site I found a Service Bulletin from 2017 talking about the end of life of KSX-4001MPME model and replacing it with the KSX-4000MPMD model. The model our dealer sent us is a different model (KSX-4000NEVT) maybe that's the problem I'm having. Trying to solve this and as soon I figure it out I will let you know. Thanks!


                            • #15
                              It makes total sense to replace a part with a part that has a "lower" SKU than the part it replaces .

                              But I agree with you, if all connections are OK, the chance is, the PSU simply isn't compatible with the projector and it's also actually what the error hints at. While the PSU may be physically compatible, it could be something simple as the identification number being unknown in the firmware. Still, this is outside of the scope of what you can fix yourself.

