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hi every one
I have doremi dcp 2000 am create 2d dcp using dcp-o-matic software but i have a problem with 3d
how can i creat 3d dcp and what the formats of dcp that accepted by my server
I know there are base framerate/resolution issues to consider, and incoming file-formats that DOM can handle better than others. That and DOM has on and off buggy behavior related to 3d.
The most likely to work would appear to be SBS (side-by-side) encoded 24fps source file? Resulting in a 48fps 3d DCP, 24fps for each eye. It's support for separate left and right source files appears to have been much more problematic.
thanks alot for replying
i just say a dcp-o-matic as a example
is there any software to make 3d dcp and play it in in doremi dcp 2000
and 3d have more fomat such us top/bottom which one okay for my server
I know there are base framerate/resolution issues to consider, and incoming file-formats that DOM can handle better than others. That and DOM has on and off buggy behavior related to 3d.
The most likely to work would appear to be SBS (side-by-side) encoded 24fps source file? Resulting in a 48fps 3d DCP, 24fps for each eye. It's support for separate left and right source files appears to have been much more problematic.
What 3D it supports may depend on which updates you have done and what 3D licenses are installed. Dolby3D, RealD, and Sensio3D are mentioned in the manual.
48fps SBS 3D DCPs appear to be the standard from the era of the processor.
What 3D it supports may depend on which updates you have done and what 3D licenses are installed. Dolby3D, RealD, and Sensio3D are mentioned in the manual.
48fps SBS 3D DCPs appear to be the standard from the era of the processor.