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Help! Projector not connecting with with show store NEC2000C with DSS200

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  • Help! Projector not connecting with with show store NEC2000C with DSS200

    This evening my projector would all of a sudden not connect and I had to refund my audience for Minions tonight. Tried everything. Powering on and off, checking connections etc. I have a NEC2000C projector with the DSS200. It has the monitor/keyboard attached to it. Says "error securing connection between show store and projector". Also mentions "hardware has a problem power supply" in yellow and under Screen server status "warning" in yellow. Not sure what else to try here. Only thing I did this morning was try to clear my bulb overtime error with the DCC app but my projector wouldnt connect to the app so I plugged the LAN cable back into the projector. I also made sure several times it was indeed connected. Any insight? Thanks!

  • #2
    The DSS200 has two power supplies. If one has failed, you'll get that error and, if the bad supply is still installed in the server, you'll get a high pitched tone to alert you to the bad supply.

    If you used to be able to connect to the projector but can't anymore then your problem is network related. If connecting straight up to the projector (using the right iP address, including your computer being on the right IP range/subnet, then either the IP address on the projector has changed or the internal router has failed/has a bad cable/connection. The default IP is for NEC.


    • #3
      Thanks for the response Steve. So it’s most likely not the battery as far as the projector not working tonight. It’s more of a network issue. Sorry I’m not super tech savy, but I can connect my laptop right to the projector and see if the lan cable is the problem? It looked like the little Netgear network box was blinking so assuming it’s working. I can always try to swap the ethernet cable to something new? This was just so random tonight. Haven’t had a projector go down for a show since I took over the theater.


      • #4
        If there is a possibility of an IP address changing, perhaps AngryIP can find it. I'm using it to verify that a WiFi connection is being made to an access point in my current project ( ).

        Good luck! I'm sure having a projector down is no fun!


        • #5
          If you cannot connect to the projector, directly, you can forget about everything external to the projector. As mentioned, see what the projector thinks its IP address is using the button and LCD panel on the projector. It will be in the "Information" section of the tree.

          In the event that it is showing, you can try to tell the projector you have a "new router" however that one is behind a password (number) and is in the "Configuration" section of the tree. Using that function, it would set the projector to and from there, using DCC, you can set the IP back to whatever it was.

          However, you may find that the internal router has failed or has an issue (or the cable(s)). This is going to be technician work. The router is more like a PCB and is on the card cage so a bit of disassembly will be required. The Cables, also internal, do look like regular CAT5e patch cables and come off the back of the card cage to go to their various places.

          If the IP address is correct and you cannot connect, then I'd look harder at the CAT cable that connects the internal router to the LAN connector (again, all of this is internal to the projector).


          • #6
            Depending on the age of your NEC S-2, they did have some bad routers that ended up in the field. It's possible you have one of those. I have replaced just a few amongst the earliest S-2 NEC's that I installed. The new routers are different, and if my memory is good, it also requires a special adapter bracket... Also, One one of the routers I had fail, the projector also threw errors...


            • #7
              Tried a few different thing. Swapped to a new LAN cable. Still not connecting with the show store and projector. Power supply seems fine. IP address is showing normal on the projector itself and the computer. IP on projector and computer says show store is From what ive been told the DCC app wont work with my projector and the DSS200 server? Still all new to me but im learning fast.
              Attached Files


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mike Reed View Post
                <edited>. From what ive been told the DCC app wont work with my
                projector and the DSS200 server?
                For a long time I worked in a screening room with a set up that sounds similar to
                what you've got. The DCC only 'talks' to the projector. We used VNC to communicate
                with the DSS200, in addition to the keyboard and monitor we had hooked directly to
                the DSS. Our system also went through a small extra router in the booth. Once, when
                we suddenly started getting those "transport not available" messages,it was because
                a new piece of equipment was creating an IP conflict on our booth network. Another
                time it was simply that one of the LAN cables had been partly disconnected after
                probably being bumped out of place when he had to get into the rack to get the serial
                numbers off of some equipment for an inventory.
                . . and I know of one theater here in SF which had several of the early S-2 NEC's, one
                of which had the same bad internal router failure like Mark mentioned.


                • #9
                  Seems like it has to be the LAN port. The tab broke off and it falls sort of back into the projector. When I went to unplug it to try the DCC app maybe that was the final straw and it stopped working? I think I may need to order a new LAN port. OR it would have come unconnected further back where my tech prowess ends unfortunately. I dont want to mess with more things. Could be that internal router too. So for power I think the internal power needs replaced. Its making that alarm sound.
                  Attached Files


                  • #10
                    As Jim notes, if the management LAN has a router with a DHCP server in it, and that server is not configured correctly to allocate dynamic addresses in a different range from the static ones (for example, when I install such setups, I configure the router's DHCP server to allocate addresses in the XXX.XXX.XXX.200 to 253 range, with 1 to 199 being for devices with static addresses configured), then it might have given the projector's address to a DHCP device, thereby creating a conflict. However, as Steve notes, if nothing will connect to the projector, e.g. you connect the projector's LAN jack directly to your laptop with a patch cable and you still can't ping it, then the fault lies in the projector. And as everyone notes, those router cards do fail. I replace two or three a year, and we sell dozens of them.

                    Without wanting to sound condescending, I think his best bet would be a service call from an experienced (with NEC projectors) tech at this point, especially if shows are being lost all the while this fault persists.


                    • #11
                      The address shown in the DSS GUI Is an internal one, not the external one used to connect to the projector. As far as I know you can only see that if you examine a logs package or open a text window (cntl-alt-F1) and step through the config script without changing anything. Password required.
                      I have had NEC S2 lose a router, as mentioned the current one is probably different and needs the install kit. The cable locations is important, have to go back to the same ports.


                      • #12
                        You can see the addresses of the management (or auditorium, as DSS world calls it) and media (theater) in system > theater devices > screen server, as so:


                        The router card has five connections: one goes to the jack on the side panel of the projector, and the others to various other points within the projector. The one to the side panel jack has to go back into the same jack on the router card as it was on the old one. It doesn't matter where the other four go, but the natural twist of the cables will likely make them want to go where they previously were, anyways.


                        • #13
                          Thanks for all the help and suggestions! Great community here. I know im pretty new to the theater scene so I appreciate everyone’s comments and ideas! Definitely worth calling a tech. I’m learning a lot along the way here.


                          • #14
                            Switched out the netgear switch and put a new LAN port in and that seemed to do the trick! Was able to get a nice crowd for Deadpool last night and tonight! Thanks again for the help with trouble shooting!

