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We receive files in .mov or .mp4 format which we convert for projection. We have a current file giving us an error message that says the file is encoded in the AVdh and ipcm formats which aren't supported. The file is being created with Avid Media Composer. Any suggestions for what may be causing this? This is a new issue for us - we've received many similar files without any problems.
Keep in mind that formats like .mov, .avi and mp4 are just "vessels", they say little to nothing about what's inside if the files.
The best way to fix this is at the source. While exporting from Media Composer, choose a generally accepted codec. If that's not possible, try to install the Avid codecs on the machine that's supposed to do the transcoding.
AVdh is Avid's implementation of SMPTE VC-3. IPCM is a 4-channel lossless PCM audio format, afaik initially introduced by Sony. Both formats are, afaik, not natively supported by VLC, but when you install the Avid codec pack, both formats should become playable.
If you work with workflows using Avid Media Composer, you often get confronted with those formats.
The issue has been resolved. We received a replacement for the file that was giving us trouble and this new version works great. Thanks for your help, everyone.