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Sorry, but, per Forum rules, we cannot share files that manufacturers do not make available on a public website. Techs are also required to sign NDAs before being allowed credentials for password-walled support sites, not intended for the general public or end users.
Sorry, but, per Forum rules, we cannot share files that manufacturers do not make available on a public website. Techs are also required to sign NDAs before being allowed credentials for password-walled support sites, not intended for the general public or end users.
Can you please send a link to the page where these files are presented on the Barco website? Link to the official page. Is this allowed?
I have approved access to the "service" on the Barco website, but I could not find these files.
The files are not on MyBarco. Per DCI rules, resetting an "out of budget" secure clock has to involve direct, person-to-person interaction with a representative of the OEM. When I have needed the reset patch in the past, I've opened a support ticket by emailing service.cinema.us [at] barco.com, but I'm guessing that they don't cover Russia, hence suggesting the "contact us" page on their website I linked to above.
Mark raises a good point. You not only need the reset patch to correct an "out of budget" ICMP, but it also needs a valid (stratum 0 or 1) NTP source to sync to. The only way the clock can actually be changed is by reference to an NTP server during the boot process. If the clock has drifted out of budget, it also needs to have had the patch installed immediately before the reboot, or else it will ignore the NTP server if it tells the ICMP that the actual time is outside the secure clock's budget limit, and leave it unchanged.
NTP server is not required. Install the patch and you can change the time. It only allows a limited time change, use that max then reinstall the patch and repeat if needed. I don't recall the max or if there's an overall max that can't be exceeded by repeating.
...then it's never let me do that with an out-of-budget ICMP clock after installing the patch, either before or after a reboot. When I queried this with Cinionic (as they then were), i was told that an out-of-budget clock could only be changed by an NTP sync during the boot sequence, following installation of the patch. This was several years ago, and so maybe later ICMP firmware and/or Communicator versions have changed that. But manual resets out of budget were certainly not possible the last time I tried to do one.
It's been a while but this is how it used to work:
- You can do a manual adjust, but only within a certain time-frame and I also don't remember what that timeframe is. So, if you need to adjust more than the time-frame allows, you need to apply the patch multiple times in a row. Apparently there is no real limit on how many times you can apply this patch.
- If syncing to an NTP server, it ignores the time-frame, so no matter how much your clock has drifted, it will sync-on-boot and you only need to do this whole process once, even if the clock has drifted out of the "max time frame".
I'm not sure, as I've not done this in a while, but I've been told that those patches being given out nowadays also only work on the given system, as in the patch will check your server certificate or serial.
Like Marc indicated, GDC has a similar process, but you need an active Internet connection for it, as they can only fix it by remoting in on your server. If I remember correctly, they also charge a service fee for this, regardless of waranty status.
It's a pretty frustrating process, as you first need to log a support ticket and AFAIK, Barco will only honor this for ICMPs still under support or will otherwise charge an incident fee.
Try to keep your clocks synced to NTP.
AFAIK, Barco will only honor this for ICMPs still under support or will otherwise charge an incident fee.
In the USA at any rate, they will give you the clock reset patch for an ICMP that is out of warranty at no extra charge. What they will not do is re-cert one if you let the certificate battery go flat. If it's under warranty, they will swap it out for free (apart from the return shipping cost for the bad one). If it isn't, you have to buy a new ICMP.
I don't know if Barco has a different policy in other regions, but in the US, that is the case. Dolby offers a one-time recertification service (actually RXO rather than a re-cert) for warranty-expired IMS3000s and, until next year, IMS2000s (but not for older DolReMis and DSS media blocks). GDC still does, even for older models.