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We're still running on the GDC SX2000 servers, and I was able to correct a time offset greater than supposedly allowed.
The server is not on a NTP, which might be why it drifted so much.
It wasn't 30 minutes, though.
Here in Europe Barco offers a special price for a replacement unit (around 70% less than a new one, if I'm not wrong) and an extra credit if the unit is shipped back.
I'm told it's not exactly "buy a new one", you can buy a new one at a discounted price and get a rebate when the faulty one is returned.
Still, why is that? What's so special in that process? I'd imagine it involves someone plugging some machine and uploading something. Actually maybe the access point it behind the shield - still, it doesn't feel like thousands of pounds worth?
The whole FIPS security business puts a big hassle on who and how the certificates can be loaded. I agree, Barco has no excuse for not offering this as a service. Sure, it may take a month and cost a nominal amount of money but it shouldn't be "buy a new one." The same goes for the Enigmas...there is no reason those shouldn't be able to be recerted though that problem is gradually self-correcting as the servers that use them die off.
One reason why Barco might not be able to do so remotely, is because their design might require them to connect to some kind of J-TAG or other debug port in order to program the certificate. Even if so, they could offer recertification on a carry-in basis for a reasonable cost.
The fact that a remotely delivered software patch can fix the time issue indicates them having quite some control though.
I'd say their practice of not honoring repairs/service calls for something that amounts to a software issue may be borderline illegal over here.