Hi All! I need some help figuring out audio cues for our system. We currently use GDC as our TMS, Christie 2000s Projectors with Doremi DCP 2000 Servers and DTS XD10p Audio Processor. The DTS XD10p is apparently not a compatible unit for the GDC TMS system. I am trying to get audio fader cues to integrate into our playlists because currently we are having to manually adjust setting for Previews and then for Feature levels. I have reached out to Doremi regarding this and they are saying I most likely need to use GPO's to accomplish this. Is there anyone who can point me in the right direction (or help with instructions) on how to get these cues working on our system? I am fairly new to all of the back end tech side of this, so I am having trouble figuring it out.
Kevin Kelley
Kevin Kelley