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If you email cinemasupport [at] dolby.com, I'm sure that they'd be happy to give you a download link.
However, I would ask if it's essential for you to upgrade the DSP. If the upgrade process fails and borks the media block (e.g. if there is an outage, or the power supply fails while writing to the FIPS-protected flash memory), Dolby no longer supports it and you will need a new server/media block. If your projector is a Series 1, your only option (that I know of) would be an SR-1000 in the HD-SDI adapter cage.
If your DSP is on an ancient (e.g. pre-DCI) version and you simply can't play modern DCPs on it, you likely have little to lose by taking the risk. But if it's only one or two versions behind and you don't absolutely need any of the features and/or bug fixes that were released subsequently, is it worth rolling the dice?
I have one DSS100 and two DSP100. I want this server for backup, and the problem that I have is that one of the DSP100 has a lower software version, and only one of the DSP100 works fine with the DSS100. The server has a 4.6 software version, but I only have a 4.3 ISO. I will install the ney version with the equipment conected to an UPS. I will try to contact Dolby, but the last time I tried they didn't respond to me.
Is the image file you have of, supposedly?
I will make a wild guess here, that the KDM you have is issued against the Media Block (DSP100) that you already work with?
If that is the case, you should know that the Media Blocks of a server are not interchangeable. If you exchange them, you need to issue new KDMs for the new one. For the KDM issuer, it's practically like having another server.
That is to say, in order to go from 4.6.x.y to you need two different update KDMs for two different Media Blocks (DSP100s).