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We have a 2K projector and we want to upgrade to 4K.
Apart from LE do you think anything is required for the upgrade.
Engineer here is saying they need a crypto card to upgrade from 2K to 4K?
Can anyone help on this?
You do need the proper SIM card on the backplane or the projector will not think of itself as anything but 2K. It is the same way that a DP2K-15C and DP2K-20C are the exact same projector with the exact same parts and capabilities but the SIM card defines the model and will restrict the DP2K-15C to just 3KW xenon, maximum. (likewise on the DPxK-19B versus DPxK-23B). The price differences on those projectors is strictly on them allowing you to use the larger lamps. I've always said that they could eliminate two models from their xenon line-up and charge a bit less since clearly they can profit on the low-wattage models.
Don't know how old the machine is and what your business is (especially given the challenging times most find ourselves in), but last time I checked about the upgrade costs for those machines from 2K to 4K, we decided it was better to go for a new 4K machine instead and use the 2K machine to replace a Series 1 install...
Steve might be right on the C series simply being a case of firmware crippling, but on the B series, the different models have a differing number of LPSU modules, depending on the maximum bulb capacity. The 32B needs three-phase power. The 19B definitely doesn't; not sure about the mid-range one.
Very old ICPs cannot handle 4K but those were the 1st generation ones. When putting in a new ICP, one has to rerun the ICP update to ensure that it gets the proper firmware loaded (2K or 4K).
Leo, as for LPSU (an NEC term...for Barco it is just LPS but I know how you Brits like to put extra "u" in words ;-)), all of the Barco lamp power supplies for the C and B series are IDENTICAL...again, on EARLY projectors, they would put them in a common cage but on later ones, they kept them separate with just a face-frame to support them in the front. In fact, I had a DP2K-12C, in an 8 plex lose a LPS but they had a DP2K-15C so I "borrowed" one from that to get the other theatre going while the 15C limped along on one supply. That is one of the REALLY cool things that Barco did...all of those power supplies are the same and each are rated for 2400-watts so you get one for a 12C, 2 for a 15C, 20c, 19B, 23B and three for the 32B.
In fact, I'm reasonably sure the S series (8S and 10S) use the same supply.
Back OT...you don't get a new SIM card...they don't sell them. That card has the serial number of the projector. A proper 2K-4K upgrade you actually change the serial number of the machine and have to re-sticker the thing all over the place so all if the serial numbers are right...and, of course, the name plate up by the exhaust flange. They even give you "4K" lettering to adjust the name on the lamp cover.
As others have noted, the cost of upgrading a projector is not cost effective. It would be wise to buy a 4K projector and move the 2K projector down to a lesser house.
I suspect you ordered a 4K engine and not a 4K upgrade kit maybe? As Steve says the upgrade kit will come with all you need to convert your projector including those fancy stickers
I think this is one of the only projectors I converted from 2K to 4K. At the time, and it may still be the case, if you did the upgrade within the first 2-years, you got money back on the 2K light engine...though as a spare light engine was worth MUCH more than what you got back. Note, the "4K" is smaller than the rest of the letters...that's what they supplied and no I didn't peel up all of the rest of the factory lettering...just the 2K to change it to 4K. Nobody ever said a word either.
I suspect you ordered a 4K engine and not a 4K upgrade kit maybe? As Steve says the upgrade kit will come with all you need to convert your projector including those fancy stickers
Yes..you are right...so am I stuck ...or is there any way forward.
Well, if you are looking for a way to make that 4K engine in your 2K machine the answer is: the only way is through Barco and a 2K->4K conversion kit. Sorry.