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I have not pushed it yet (I never like to be first!) but I did see the notice for it. It looks like it should address a handful of issues for all servers prior to the IMS3000. Feature wise, it looks like it primarily adds CP950 support and better handling of dual-projector (3D) and some HFR fixes.
However, you'd need to read the release notes to see all of the bug fixes that are included.
There is also hotfix 1.0.4 to install after 2.8.30. This fixes a password encryption bug whereby a Doremi rack server or IMS2000 cannot connect to some external devices configured in the device manager, including JNIORs. IMS2000 users will also need to install firmware 4.6.10 in order for the improved synchronization between servers in a dual projector system to work. There is no new security manager in this round of updates.
Here is the list of 2.8.30 bug fixes. There is no "please keep this confidential" header and footer in the PDF I received, or in the email to which it was attached, and so I'm presuming that it's OK to post this.
The email also stated that "Dolby recommends proactively upgrading to these versions." So, while I take Steve's point about not wanting to upgrade any units until it's clear that these versions don't break anything yet to be discovered, it is likely that any requests for technical support for these units will likely be met with a request to upgrade them to these versions before any further troubleshooting can take place.
I hope that the SkipToEvent fix is going to be included in an IMS3000 update soon, too. I have a customer who is not happy about having to press pause on the web UI before the transport buttons on the Q-Sys UCI will work.
You could always make the pause press as part of the skip to event press (when pressing the skip button, have it first execute the pause. The next thing to do is keep track of what state the transport was in before the skip was pressed so it resumes to that state after the skp.