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Croods 2 - key mystery

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  • Croods 2 - key mystery

    I'm playing the new Croods movie this week and they sent me a key that was valid for last Thursday until Tuesday. Since my playdates are Friday to Thursday, I sent Deluxe an email last week and said, "Hey guys, this key is two days short."

    "Not to worry", was the reply, "We'll send you a key for the last two days on Monday."

    Which they just did.

    I guess it's not a real problem, but I'm wondering why they would do something like that. Seems like it's just creating extra work for them and for me. Usually they just send me one key for the full week and I'm all set.

  • #2
    I'd say, monitor if this is just a one-time SNAFU, or if this is somehow the new operating procedure (for whatever reason).


    • #3
      I've had a few instances when they've sent a new key that covers the same dates the old key covered, or maybe we had a two week key and they sent a separate key for the 2nd week even though we didn't need it.


      • #4
        There are a few factors that account for this. Usually, it's the studio that submits the dates for the keys, and Deluxe or DCDC fulfills the dates. Both the studio and Deluxe are operating on skeleton crews, due to the reduction in number of theatres operating during the pandemic. Given the drastic reduction in output, it's amazing that they are still operating a theatrical distribution business at all. My advice is to keep on top of every booking, to ensure your DCPs and KDMs show up on time, and cover the required dates. It's definitely a more challenging business than it was before March 13, 2020.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Mike Blakesley View Post
          I've had a few instances when they've sent a new key that covers the same dates the old key covered, or maybe we had a two week key and they sent a separate key for the 2nd week even though we didn't need it.
          I've had them send keys for multiple consecutive weeks, even though we only plan on showing it for one week.

          I've also had them send keys for the wrong issue of a movie. We were playing Cloud With a Chance for Meatballs this summer and got a set of keys for I want to say the 2017 version instead of the current one they had sent us. A 5min phone call pretty much always fixes it, their customer service people are always pretty nice.

