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Thank you for your answer.
I asked TITRA LTD our integrator, and they told me Dolby stopped sells them.
But for me is feels strange, because DCP200 AND DCP2K4 still in use.
Do you think there way to ask Dolby directly?
Try cinemasupport AT dolby.com Maybe they will tell you wether they still sell them. I have a couple left, but I just looked up insured shipping cost to Israel...
I shipped a CRU drive in a Pelican case to Israel (from California) last year, and FedEx charged $24 for four-day delivery. I didn't think that was too bad.
Hmm, DHL actually offers a very low cost option, but only for explicit business clients who ship internationally at least 5 times per quarter. That would be as low as 7€ incl. Tracking. Well, let's see.
BTW - the original manufacturer is GUANGHSING, the part number is GHI-290-03002.
When I google for it, I can only find that german importer in Hamburg actually listing it. It's part of their RAID enclosure series. When I ordered the drive caddies back then, they were not in stock, but they were able to receive them with their next shipment within a few weeks, if I remember right. So even for them it wasn't a standard item.
The Doremi Part number was
Did Dolby already answer?
Last edited by Carsten Kurz; 01-17-2021, 04:25 PM.
Dear Shai,
Thank you for your enquiry. Dolby does not supply parts directly. I recommend to contact your local authorised Dolby Dealer. You didn't mention where you are based, so please follow this link for a list of all worldwide Dolby dealers: https://professional.dolby.com/cinem...inema-dealers/
Best regards,
It would have been helpful if they had provided the Dolby part number and confirmed that it is a current part. It would make the conversation with the dealer a bit more concise and ensure that there is no misinterpretation.
Do they mean that they don't have it, or that Dolby doesn't have it, or both?
The company I work for is a Dolby official dealer, but we keep very little Dolby stuff actually in stock. If a customer wishes to buy a Dolby product, then most of the time it is drop shipped directly from Dolby to the customer: all we do is process the paperwork. The exception is if the Dolby items are part of a bigger order for a specific new install or upgrade project. In that case it comes to us initially, and then we ship it to the customer's location, along with all the other equipment to be installed.
If Titra keeps a limited range of Dolby products at their shop and isn't willing to arrange a drop shipment of an item that they don't keep in stock, then there is nothing to stop you from asking a dealer outside Israel, who can at least put the question to Dolby's sales people on your behalf. Of course if you then buy through an overseas dealer, you'll have shipping charges and import duties to take care of. In fact, it may be more cost effective to look for non-working, sold for part out DCP2000s on Ebay than to go that route.
As far as I can see, that Doremi drive caddy is not listed in Dolbys price-lists as far back as 2017. It doesn't necessarily mean that Dolby dropped it when they took over Doremi, but, when I look at other spare parts they still list for these servers, it appears likely. Another request towards Dolby as Steve suggests may make that clear.
I sold some of these caddies to festivals, they wanted to be able to swap a full RAID set for quick content changes when the 4TB drives were not yet an option for these servers. Personally, I wouldn't even mind unscrewing the hard drives from these caddies for swapping over, it doesn't take more than a few minutes, and, typically, two screws are enough under these conditions. But, they wanted them.