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GDC SR1000 sw changelog

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  • GDC SR1000 sw changelog

    I'm still experiencing some difficulty to get documentation from GDC about SR1000. Does it exist a changelog for SR1000 sw builds? We are moving from build 68 to build 71, but I can't find any info about the differences.

  • #2
    GDC does not publish the change logs (Release Notes) for their server software (they do for the TMS). It isn't that this documents don't exist it is that they, for some reason, don't post them with the actual software for download. Your only real option is obtaining the information from GDC. And note, while build 71 may be the most current release for the SR1000...I have found it is insufficient for the installations I've done where build 73 was required and I believe they are up to build 74 in their "pilot" versions.


    • #3
      Thanks Steve! It's quite difficult for me to obtain news because all SR1000 I service are sold thanks to the Christie-GDC partnership: they replace IMB-S2 on Solaria One. For these boards it's Christie italian representative that gives me updates after a specific validation, so it's harder to get informations about updates (and their content)...


      • #4
        Actually, If you call GDC Tech Support they should be able to tell you of any major changes in Firmware revisions. I have asked several times, mostly on Hot Fixes to see if they applied to updates I was doing. Some times they did and sometimes they did not



        • #5
 I indicated have to obtain the information directly from GDC...they don't "publish" the change log. As a support entity, that is a huge negative. For every software available on the FTP site should be a change log to indicate just what that software changes. One shouldn't have to request it. At least for the TMS, they DO maintain the changelog with the software.


          • #6

            They explained to me once why they don't publish it. And there were several very logical reasons why they don't. They just said of you ever need to know just call and ask. And I agree on not posting that stuff here. You need help fomr support every once in a while and there is no need to make waves with them.



            • #7
              Mark, not trying to make waves but GDC (and did they threaten to pull support due to discussion about their position on release notes...if not, what was your point above?) is somewhat unique in not providing release notes with new software, regardless of server, sound processor, software...etc.


              • #8

                Their point was that they don't release a firmware update unless it actually fixes a problem big or small. A Hotfix may or may not be needed for a given Build and you have to check with them before installing. And they always test it first at Beta sites to be sure all is well. Dolby also tests their firmware and equipment at Beta sites. Megaplex in SLC used to be a Dolby Beta test site when Mike Renlund was there. Tey may still be. In fact they had CP-750's there over a year before they were publicly available. I have a pix I took of one the first time I saw it in a rack at a Megaplex and the meta data date is spring of 2008, and it wasn;' released until March of 2009 announcement.


                • #9
                  That entire statement you made has zero to do with release notes paired with the actual release. Anything in beta/pilot is just that. Whomever is doing beta testing, one would presume, knows what they are looking for and what the new software is supposed to fix/add. The comment/complaints are with RELEASE software that do not have accompanying release notes/change logs. Likewise for any patch release. But once it is in release, it should have accompanying release notes.

