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Little Women glitch?

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  • Little Women glitch?

    Sorry, we're a second run theatre so this may be a little late - but did anyone who ran 'Little Women' notice a visual glitch on the title reveal? Just after Jo sells her story and is running down the street, the cover of the Little Women novel comes up and for just a flash there looks like there's some digital artifacting across the top? I haven't noticed anything like it in other films we've done, and it's there each time I've run it so it's not just a one time thing. Or is this a new anti-piracy thing that I'm just not aware of?

  • #2
    How far into the film is this?


    • #3
      5 minutes, maybe? It's when the title comes up.


      • #4
        I had identified a green flash frame in 'On Chesil Beach' about a year and a half ago. I noticed it during presentation, and looked it up afterwards.
        The DCP was unencrypted, so I could check it in a software player. I checked the hashes of the assets, and they were all okay - this must have been introduced during mastering and wasn't noticed during qc (if there was any). So, things like this happen - though, rarely.

        I also just recently showed a prominent european art house movie which revealed considerable clipping in the center channel. Unfortunately, a scene which voiced female singers, about the worst material to experience clipping. Elements of that same audio were present in left and right speakers as well, but without clipping. This DCP was also unencrypted, and it was easy to spot the issue in an audio editor.

        - Carsten
        Last edited by Carsten Kurz; 02-11-2020, 08:59 PM.

