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Yes, but you'll have to create the cues manually. I believe it uses the same ASCII commands and IP port as the CP850, but would need to look up the installation manual (which I don't have easily to hand right now) to confirm that. They should be there in an appendix. So in the SMS configuration of the GDC, you'd need to create a new device entry for your 950 with its address on the management LAN and that port number, and then create a bunch of cue commands to get it to do whatever you need. I've done this for several 750s and 850s: it's pretty straightforward.
Yes, port 61408.
it is a bit of a chore to set up the GDC cues if you've never done it before. I haven't seen a full list of possible 950 commands, the basic ones (all you should need) are in the CP950 manual - maybe that IS the full list? I don't think you even get the manual on CD with a new 950, it has to be downloaded.
I would say that Dolby ASCII commands for the CP850, CP950 and IMS3000 are "sparse." With the IMS3000 the most sparse since they don't allow for "Presets" like on the CP850 and CP950.
I'd say that adding cues on the the GDC isn't so bad (you'll be creating something with a RAW SOCKET or whatever they call it)...just, one cue at a time, key it in...I think setting up their Macros is more awkward in the naming but once you've done it it also isn't any big deal.
It is also possible to export cues and configurations so you only have to live it once. GDC can be more fussy about loading configs from other servers though as the various models do not have alignment between various Ethernet ports (and quantity of them). However, automation devices, I believe, are individually exportable/importable.