Film-Tech Cinema Systems

Plano, TX

From left to right we have a rack of QSC DCA amplifiers. The stage speakers are 4 way with bass shading, hence the quantity of amplifers. In the middle rack is SDDS via a DFP-3000, DTS via an XD10, Dolby Digital via a CP650, a blank space for a DMA8+ which has not yet arrived, user EQs for poorly mixed content, the THX crossover (which is merely being used as a booth monitor), a QSC Basis system (one for each Dolby processor...the lower one has not yet been installed), a Dolby CP500 for running magnetic content, along with the necessary MPU-1 and PS1B supplies. The right rack is where the DCI server will go, but the most important item in this rack is the Seeburg Background Music System for non-sync content. (Google it to learn of its awesomeness.)

January 2010 photo from the Brad Miller collection.

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