Film-Tech Cinema Systems

Irvine, California

At the top of the auditorium, with the room set up for "lecture" or classroom use. There are 355 seats, stadium style, and note the large podium on the right. It is on wheels and can, with great difficulty, be moved back behind the cinema screen you’ll see later. There are two screens for classroom use, one large which covers all but 4 feet of the chalkboards on each side, and a small screen you can see on the right above the chalkboards. The house P.A. speakers are the triple cluster flown on the ceiling, and the cinema left and right are in the black boxes on each side. This sucks for reasons explained later ... additionally, all the wood panels you see on the walls make the acoustics of the room very live, and that’s a problem until over 100 people fill the seats, then it settles down a bit. The panels were because the director of the Gospel Choir got involved in the design phase and demanded them, even though the Choir’s dedicated room was slated to be opened later that year. University politics at it’s worst.

August 2010 photo from the Tony Bandiera Jr collection.

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