Film Factory 6
Newmarket, Ontario, Canada

The deceased Film Factory 6 (Tarrant Enterprises) at strip-out.

Rewind and makeup area

Cinema 1: ORC console with XL projector and XL soundhead DTS and Potts platter

Cinema 2: DTS reader mounted in penthouse

Cinema 3: FP20, Xenex 1 lamphouse, DTS. All three stereo houses had QSC USA900 amps, UltraStereo Processors and GS monitors

Cinema 4: Zenith 900 lamphouse, FP20 with a Raven Ace 100 amp

Cinemas 5 & 6: FP20 with Xenex 1, Raven Ace 100 amp, and a 5 deck platter

Parts and storage area

Cinemas 5 & 6: 5 deck potts platter

Cinema 2 XL projector with DTS reader in penthouse

The FP20 in Cinema 3

The stripped sound rack for Cinema 1

Snack bar


The building front

Cinema 1: 350 Heywood Wakefield rockers, A4 stage speakers, Cerwin Vega Earthquake subs and Boston Acoustic surround

Cinema 2: Yorkville Sound Stage Speakers with Studio Lab subs and surrounds

Cinema 4: Mono Altec A7 and hot pink wakefield rockers

Cinema 5: Mono with Klipsch LaScalla speaker

Cinema 6: Mono with Klipsch LaScalla speaker

Special thanks to Gordon McLeod for the pics.