Film-Tech Cinema Systems
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Sierra Madre, California, USA

The Holmes Model 8, with a lamphouse modified by the previous owner to use an ELH 300w incandescant lamp. Pictured as a table-top setup in my room, where it can take 2000' reels with mono sound provided by the TOA amp that doubles as a base. Set up to run scope with a Kollmorgen 2.5" lens and a matching Kollmorgen anamorphic attachment. Mag penthouse coming soon. The projector can also be mounted on my Homes pedestal, in which case it uses an ORC-1000 and 6k reels.

Film collecting on a budget. The 5'x12' perforated screen came out of a closed Pacific Theatre in Pasadena- I bought it at auction for $10 and cut it down to size, mounting it on a 2x2 frame. Garage sale speakers provide adequate fidelity.

The Holmes threaded and ready. Note the absence of a sound drum- the sound gate provides surprisingly steady sound sound with no noticeable wow or flutter. Not quite DTS, but close enough.

The rewind/work area.

The vast film library, nestled snugly between recently pressed pants and Stafford wrinkle-free shirts.

The scope picture fills up most of the screen and one tries to ignore the keystoning from using a short lens with a 17' throw. The picture is actually pretty bright, considering. Flat uses the same backup lens (cheap, lenses are not) so I accommodate by collecting mostly scope stuff.

Deluxe accommodations include State-of-the-Art folding chair as well as spacious carpet area for your sitting pleasure.

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