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Wilmington, Ohio

Photos from the Brad Miller collection.

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Here it is, the Technicolor facility in Wilmington Ohio!

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From the outside this place looks like an ordinary business ...

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In fact it IS in a business park, but of course the surprisi...

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Just outside the main entrance is the "Technicolor rock...

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Are you ready to go inside?

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Here is the customer service department. This one room with...

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Another angle of the customer service department room.

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Let's meet a few people. This is Tony Butcher, the man...

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David Runk, manager of logistics and Robyn Long-Esmail, mana...

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Stacey Downer, manager of inventory.

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Sharon Benning, manager of customer service.

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Brad Carroll, director of sales.

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Lisa Ellers, manager of exhibitor relations.

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Al Barilar, operations manager.

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And here we are, one of the print storage warehouses. This ...

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Here is more general storage. Notice how every row is numbe...

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In one corner of the climate controlled storage are the inte...

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One of the integrity check tables.

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The next warehouse over has a couple of secure storage areas...

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Another secure storage area.

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In the main shipping warehouse you will see on the left a fe...

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New prints from the lab are put on those assembly lines.

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Al Barilar invites us to watch how the prints are assembled.

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Each station is handled by two employees. Each one does 1 c...

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...and they start mounting the cores of film onto clip toget...

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Once all of the reels are assembled and accounted for, trail...

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From there the cans ride down this assembly line. (There ar...

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The supervisor station.

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After a little time has passed, suddenly the area looks like...

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Pictured here are the assembly lines for print returns. To ...

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Another view of the print returns lines.

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Staging area in the warehouse.

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Several hours later that staging area looked like this. Tru...

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A better view of the previous picture showing many skids of ...

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Here is a shot of some reject reels awaiting destruction.

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This is the storage area for Screen Services (rolling stock ...

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Pictured here is the Screen Services fulfillment area. A wo...

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This room is where Screen Services winds off the snipes. Th...

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This is the tightwinder used to wind the snipes over to a &q...

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But shipping prints is not all that TES does. Meet Joe Wade...

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Joe oversees the "full" inspection team. In this ...

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This part of the facility is used mainly for doing full insp...

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This is part of the cell treatment machine, sometimes known ...

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This is part of the rewashing process which pulls all dirt a...

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This is the TES screening room. It is not meant to be an ac...

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The projector for the screening room.

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We close the tour with a HUGE thanks to Tim Burke, general m...
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