Exterior of Grand Pavois Cinemas. (Left side)
The stairs to the auditorium
Road to 3 auditoriums. (There are 4 auditoriums)
Exit of the auditorium. (Projectionist entrance). Empty box of the movie.
The way to the projector room.
The room with movies, ready to go back.
Inside the room projector. First projector
first projector back. FP 20. (1/33 - 1/66 - 1/85 - 2/35)
The way to the second projector with Dolby SR.
The third projector can be see in the distance.
The back of the second projector
The frontier between the 2 Kinoton ST 200
Across the third ST 200, we can see a Kinoton 16 mm. The third projector is behind.
The third prjector
The other movies of the third projector
The third auditorium.
The third auditorium.