Film-Tech Cinema Systems
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Springfield, Vermont, USA

Exterior/Marquee of cinema

Lobby view from just inside doors

Concession stand and Box Office (Automaticket built into counter)

Theater One seats 64, screen is roughly 13 feet wide. Stereo SR sound. This theater was "cut" in to the original one screen sometime in the 90's according to townspeople.

Theater Two seats 210, screen is roughly 35 feet wide. Dolby SRD sound. Behind screen is a stage used for storage of seats, equipment, and concession supplies. Unknown if it was ever used for live performances.

A closet in the Ellis Theater (former name under original owner) offered up to illustrate the pack-rat nature of that owner. Yes, that is a Christie lamphouse in a closet! A treasure chest of Filmack shorts for intermission, etc. and audio cassettes used for theater music before purchasing a 5-disc CD player.

Projector for Theater One. Christie lamphouse and Century head.

Projector 2 and the 5 deck platter which serves both projectors. Xenex lamphouse and Century head.

Picture of the building in 1882, have not found information on when it was converted into an Inn/Movie House

Photos from the Barry Martin collection.

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