Film-Tech Cinema Systems
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Washington, DC, USA

March 2005 photos from the George Roher collection.

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The Avalon was built in 1922 and has been owned by several c...

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Booth for theatre 2. Drive-In platter, Century SA, Eprad lam...

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Century SA projector.

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Soundrack for theatre 2 with Dolby CP55.

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The original dimmer is no longer used.

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A dye-transfer print of "Wizard of Oz" projected i...

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The lobby looking towards the entrance to the big theatre.

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Auditorium 1 as seen from the booth. Masking stops are prese...

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Auditorium 1 as seen from the screen.

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The booth for theatre 1. Drive-In platter, Strong Super 80 l...

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Century JJ. The Eiki video projector can be seen in the back...

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Soundrack for theatre 1 with Panastereo CSP1200, DTS 6D, and...
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