Film-Tech Cinema Systems
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Petaluma, California

The Boulevard 12 is Cinema West's flagship multiplex and the first new movie theatre to open in Petaluma since 1990. Now Petalumans no longer have to leave town to see a movie in a cinema (The Pacific Petaluma 8, the 1990-opening theatre was demolished in 2003 as was the Cinema West Washington Square 5). This is the theatre you probably have read about that made national news about the seven Girl Scouts (dubbed the "Superb Seven") that worked to get a theatre built in downtown Petaluma. This is the fruit of their hard work and lobbying.

The box office window at the Boulvard, and the huge neon marquee tower on the corner.

Inside the main lobby, showing the entrance to the hallway leading to the Boulevard Arts & Cafe theatres.

The main concession counter at the Boulevard.

Other side of the lobby, showing the condiment counter. The entrances to the men's retroom and video arcade are just beyond the counter.

Another lobby shot, showing the hallways leading to cinemas 3 and 4 and the Arts Cafe.

The hallway leading to the Arts Cafe.

The lobby of the Arts Cafe. Cinemas 9-10-11-12 are located here.

At the Arts Cafe, you can get many items not available at the main concession counter. Starbucks Coffee items, gourmet pizzas, calzones, salads, milkshakes, and Dreyer's hand-dipped ice cream are among the items available here.

The glass cabinet at the Arts Cafe, showing the salads, cookies, cheesecakes, muffins, and truffles available.

One of the sitting areas at the Arts Cafe. The entrances to cinemas 11 and 12 are just to the left of the tables and chairs.

The #1 auditorium at the Boulevard, 257 Mobilario seats.

The #2 auditorium, a mirror image of #1.

Looking down toward the screen in the #2 auditorium. The screen is 46'x19' for scope. The #1 and #2 houses are THX certified.

One of the Boulevard Arts auditoriums.

Same auditorium as seen from the screen.

One of the mid-sized auditoria at the Boulevard.

The #1 booth. 4200W Strong Highlight IIA, CNA-100 automation, rebuilt 1985 water cooled Simplex 1050 with the standard TU2000M turret. Isco Red lenses. The #2 booth is identical. #9-10-11-12 also have the 1985 SImplex 1050/TU2000M as this, but are not water cooled.

The #1 sound rack. From top: Dolby CP650-EX, THX 3417, 7 QSC MX1500A amplifiers. JBL screen channels, subs and 8340A surrounds. The #2 rack is identical equipment-wise.

The #1 booth and its Christie AW3R platter. All 12 theatres are AW3R-equipped.

The film make-up area between cinemas 7 and 8.

Another shot looking down at the #8 booth.

The #8 sound rack. From top: Dolby CP65 with Cat 350 SR, CE MS-100 monitor, DTS-6, and QSC 1400 and 1700 amplifiers. JBL, EV and Altec speakers.

The #8 projector: Rebuilt 1980 Simplex 1050 with a rare version of the TU2000M turret. BACP red LED reader, Isco and Schneider lenses.

Looking down the hallway at the #7 booth.

The #7 projector, another rebuilt 1980 Simplex 1050 with the rare version of the TU2000M. #3-4-5-6-7-8 all have this projector/turret combination.

The #7 sound rack. From top: Dolby CP65 with Cat 350 SR, CE MS-100 monitor, DTS-6, QSC 1400 and 1700 amplifiers. JBL and Altec speakers.

Another look at #7's 2KW Strong Highlight IIA console with CNA-100 automation.

Projection staff member Terry Fautley standing next to the #6 booth.

The projectionist's desk: The computer on the left is connected to the internet (DSL) and is used for schedules and document printing. The computer on the right is networked to all 12 automations via the CineNet system and is used as a remote status monitor for all 12 theatres. In the background is the #5 booth in the other wing of the main booth area. The neon 'Drive-In Theatre' clock adds a nice touch.

The hallway connecting the main booth to the Boulevard Arts booth. It also doubles as a stockroom for both the main snack bar and the cafe.

The #5 booth.

Another make-up station in the Boulevard Arts portion of the building. The rewind bench has a dead motor so it never gets used.

The Boulevard Arts #9 (in the distance) and #10 booths.

The Boulevard Arts #11 (far end) and #12 booths.

The #12 sound rack. From top: Dolby CP65 with 222 SR/A, USL CM-35 monitor, QSC 1700 and USA900 amplifiers. JBL and Altec speakers.

The #11 sound rack. From Top: Dolby CP65 with Cat 350 SR, CE MS-100 monitor, Dolby DA20, QSC 1400 amplifiers. JBL and Altec speakers.

The #9 sound rack. From top: DTS6AD processor, CE MS-100 monitor, QSC 1700 and USA 1310 amplifiers. JBL speakers.

Photos from the Brad Miller collection.

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