Film-Tech Cinema Systems
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September 2006 photos from the Brad Miller collection.

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Able Gance outdoor theatre in Elks Park in the middle of Tel...

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Screen of Able Gance outdoor theatre. Shows are free and peo...

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Reverse shot looking at the projection trailer.

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Speakers wrapped in tarps to protect from rain. When the wea...

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San Miguel county courthouse behind projection trailer.

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Projection trailer for Able Gance. Strong lamphouses.

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Brenkert BX-80 projectors with Dolby Digital penthouse.

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#1 Brenkert BX-80.

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Nice background for the screen.

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Rewind bench for the Show Trailer.

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Opening Feed for Telluride Film Festival. Main Street (Color...

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Image on screen Able Gance.

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The Abel Gance featured the best projection "team"...
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