Film-Tech Cinema Systems
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Mason's Hall Cinema. Telluride second smallest venue, 150-seats. Actually in the Mason's Hall.

Looking in the port window. Booth is very small. 2 Century projectors, Christie Consoles and a Hortson 16mm projector.

Christie console with the soundrack on the shelf in back.

Mason's auditorium.

Reverse shot. Projectionist balcony on left where projectionists and staff can watch the film.

Entrance to Mason's hall. All venues have some sort of rain protection for the fist 30-people in line.

Masons hall is above the Ace Hardware store.

Film inspection/Rewind area is actually outside of booth, out in the hall.

The Masons Hall featured the best projection team in the 2006 Telluride Film Festival. John Gadja, Brad Miller, Graef Allen and Barbara Grassia.

Photos from the Brad Miller collection.

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