Film-Tech Cinema Systems
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Entrance to the opening feed of the 33rd Telluride Film Festival 2006.

The lines are long, the people are hungry.

many tables of food are set up and there is little waiting.

Eating and talking. People in black are from L.A.

Ah yes, drinks are served. There was a lot of Hieneken beer. They were a sponsor.

Food line.

Telluride has many summer festivals. They all get a banner across the street.

Doug Mobley and his butterfly

CP-200 soundrack for the decommissioned Max theatre. There is a rumor that Telluride may get Re-Maxed.

All that's left of the Max booth is some pedestals and some place holder Brenkerts from the Mason's Hall.

Mother is our town wide radio communications system. Greg Carter is Mother and is in the middle of the shot. Mother's Brother is on the left and Mother Superior is on the right.

Mother has a nice reconditioned TV mobile broadcasting trailer from ABC as their headquarters.

Radio Racks in the broadcast trailer.

Pond in Town Park where the Labor Day picnic was held.

Food serving tents are set up and grills are fired.

Tents are set up with tables for some. Most eat on the grass.

Get your food. Omaha Steaks is the sponsor.

Condiment station.


Technicians and Film Inspectors commingling. Sam Chavez, Paul Burt, Jon Busch, Steve Marsh.

Paul Burt has been head of Film Inspection for 25-years and Jon Busch has been in charge of Projectionists for 32 of the 33 years. He missed the first one because Bill Pence wouldn't pay him.

Ice Cream is served.

This is the way the congnisenti eat. Wear sunscreen!

Table hopping is fun.

At noon every day of the Festival there is a panel discussion. This last one is held at the picnic.

What's everybody looking at?


San Miguel River

Too bad the views suck in this neighborhood.

Looking West along Colorado Avenue.

High Angle.

Looking East along Colorado Avenue from a high angle.


Photos from the Brad Miller collection.

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