Film-Tech Cinema Systems
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Plano, TX

January 2010 photos from the Brad Miller collection.

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This is the current Film-Tech screening room.

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There are two major changes in the design of the auditorium ...

90 KB · 625x469 well as a much steeper stadium seating.

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The sound system was also upgraded to QSC speakers, but more...

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The port windows have expanded to make room for digital cine...

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Here is the booth as viewed through the "viewing window...

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Inside we will see a familiar setup, but with much, much mor...

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This is the booth as viewed looking toward the left. The so...

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35mm and 70mm film may be ran here via platter or automated ...

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The room is not officially "finished" at this poin...

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The penthouse stack got a bit taller this time due to the ad...

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The platter sits out of the way in the corner along with its...

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From left to right we have a rack of QSC DCA amplifiers. Th...

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A closer shot of the newly revised penthouse stack.

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That was now, this is then. Pictured here is how the room s...

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This was the auditorium. At this point the only thing that ...

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Reverse shot of the room as the first layer of insulation st...

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And then a second layer is added.

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The booth gets it's drywall.

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The drywall is now done.

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Shot of the screen wall in the auditorium.

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Shot of the booth wall in the auditorium.

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The booth is almost done (as far as the builder is concerned...

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Now comes the good stuff...DURRA!

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Rock-N-G Drywall was hired to install Durra's Type 8 wa...

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More Durra installation.

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More Durra installation.

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Almost finished with the first layer.

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Here the speaker lines have been pulled through the Durra.

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Here you can see where the furring channels have been added ...

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Meanwhile the drop ceiling grid in the booth has been finish...

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Another shot of the booth after the drop ceiling grid has be...

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The drop ceiling in the auditorium is also finished at this ...

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The drop ceiling tiles are now being added.

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Here is the finished edge of the drop ceiling next to the cu...

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This is the drop ceiling as the HVAC vents are being brought...

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Similarly the same thing is going on in the booth.

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It is now time for port windows.

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Next comes the stadium risers.

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The framework is now complete.

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Meanwhile, progress begins on the speaker baffle wall.

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This picture better shows the angled lights that will shine ...

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The floor of the booth has been prepped and is ready for car...

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Carpet squares are being used in the event there is damage t...

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The carpet is now complete.

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The first items are brought into the booth.

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At this point it is mainly electrical work to be performed.

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The first piece of conduit has been ran...

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...up over the drop ceiling and into the sound rack...

103 KB · 469x625 provide all of the circuits to power the sound system.

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Here the high and low voltage wireways have been installed. ...

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Power is added underneath the stadium risers for the motoriz...

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Duct liner has been added to the walls, sconce light conduit...

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It is now time for the floor.

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This step was necessary to smooth out any imperfections in t...

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Here the glue is being applied to the floor.

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Tiles are then put into place.

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Meanwhile wall carpet goes up.

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Here the final touches are added to the tile.

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The floor carpet is also laid down.

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The auditorium is now ready for seats, speakers, curtains an...

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Another shot of the auditorium pre-seats, speakers, curtains...

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The finished riser floor.

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The seats and speakers have arrived. What is Josh thinking?

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The speaker installation begins.

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A material lift was needed to get the speakers into place.

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The stage speakers are assembled in place.

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Behind the baffle wall.

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It is now time for Pickett Stage and Screen to do their thin...

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Wall curtains are installed.

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Surround speakers are installed next.

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The left wall.

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Pops, Kevin and Ed start designing the screen frame and mask...

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Kevin is busy prepping the curtain track.

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Once Pickett's crew is finished, the room is cleared in...

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Here half of the seats have been installed.

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The Dude waites patiently for the last of the chairs to be i...

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It is now time to start cutting holes in the ceiling for exh...

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Hi Josh.

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The exhaust system in progress.

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This is the override controller that is interfaced into the ...

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Here are the 3 exhaust fans. (At this point the middle proj...

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The install is getting closer to completion.

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Link supervises from a safe distance.

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Dan prepping covers for the booth lighting.

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Here the room is being EQ'd while Dan replaces a bulb t...
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