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Newport, Rhode Island

The Jane Pickens is an historic single-screen house in downtown Newport. For this year's festival, we had to have a changeover setup installed (temporarily replacing the theatre's normal single machine/platter arrangement) in order to show some archival prints. Michael Schaffer and the rest of the Boston Light & Sound crew did an excellent job.

June 2009 photos from the Scott Norwood collection.

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The Jane Pickens lobby. This building was originally constr...

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These are the stairs to the booth. All the equipment had to...

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Rental sound setup for the Jane Pickens. This included a CP...

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Rewind bench in the booth.

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Two FP-10As were installed for the duration of the festival....

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Power distribution box in the booth.

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Prints that played both here and at the platter house were b...

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The video setup in this house included an HDW-D1800, and a J...
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