Film-Tech Cinema Systems
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Eganville, Ontario, Canada

August 2010 photos from the Paul Gordon collection.

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The venue. Timber built stage, with Draper pull-down screen.

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Dude hooking up the audio cable, XLR input, mono sound cell.

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LS of the setup and throw.

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Making up the films on a picnic table, the reels just fit.

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Handy reel holders, all the features played have a intermiss...

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Speakers, old Traynor's, super heavy cabinets, 100 watt...

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Sound rack, DJ style mixer, power amp is 75 watts. The setup...

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Century CC with a Simplex Sound head, and a stop-gap solutio...

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CU of Century and beer can lamphouse, note the film guard us...

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The Battle wagon! An old red International tractor wheeled i...

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Makeup/rewind table. Behind the screen on the stage.
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