Film-Tech Cinema Systems
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Providence, Rhode Island

Part of the rewind bench and the sound rack. The CP65 is set up for mono sound only, which plays through the house mixing board and sound system. The room is very strange, and sound quality is passable, but not great. Live music sounds good here, though. One of the Eiki 16mm machines is off to the right.

A badly scanned shot of the rewind bench. Yes, the booth has a window!

Magnetic dubber in a nearby closet is used to show work-in-progress screenings for 16mm student films.

A general shot of the booth. The Eiki 16mm machine in the foreground is set up with a Selsyn motor to lock to the dubber in the earlier shot. The 35mm projectors are Simplexes, with Super Lume-X lamphouses.

A reverse shot of the booth. Stage lighting dimmer packs are seen in the center near the corner of the room. More stage lighting equipment is off to the left.

Photos from the Scott Norwood collection.

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