Film-Tech Cinema Systems
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Overland Park, Kansas

Private home screening room

The private screening room has a 4 foot high by 10 foot wide Da-Lite 'Model C' screen. The screen has a reflective gain of 2.5. Masking is provided by two hardwood boards held in place at the top and bottom by Velcro. As seen in this picture, the masking has been set for an aspect ratio of 1.85:1. The sound speaker system is provided by a pair of Boston HD5s.

A comfortable couch provides the luxurious seating for family and friends alike. Wall to the projection booth is double studded and packed with R-19 insulation material. Main projection porthole is fitted with quarter inch, non-reflective optical glass from TCI. The glass is tilted back at the top from perpendicular by 10 degrees. Throw from the projector to the projection screen is 23 feet.

The screening room is outfitted with an A.V.E. 35mm Transportable projector, a Christie AW3 platter, a Christie Film Cleaner, and a Dolby CP50 cinema processor. To the left of the CP50 is a variable power supply for the exciter lamp. Not well seen below the CP50 is a stereo amplifier.

Shown is the film path for the A.V.E. projector. The projector was thought to be made by the Shinkyo Electric Company in Japan back in the 1960s. As can be seen in this picture, there is a lot of room in this portable. It uses standard 70.6mm barrel projection lenses. The film soundtrack is read by a monaural solar cell in conjunction with a BXB exciter lamp.

This picture shows the Christie MUT in place as a film print is being built on the platter system. The portable projector on a cart allows for placement of the MUT in close proximity to the platter.

This is the rewind bench, shown with a pair of Moviola rewinds and a light box. Behind the mounted split reel is a 2-gang Moviola synchronizer.

Shelves are provided for film storage and the temporary placement of reels.

The MUT, when not in use, fits nicely in a side closet.

Photos from the Mitchell Cope collection.

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