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Sedona, AZ

These are pictures from the 2011 Sedona International Film Festival in Sedona, AZ. The festival was held in mid-February.

February 2011 photos from the Scott Norwood collection.

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These signs were placed all over the town to advertise the f...

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Rental equipment (mostly video decks and projectors) for the...

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Harkins' Sedona 6 Luxury Cinemas, the primary festival ...

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The lobby at Harkins.

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Another venue for the festival was the auditorium for the lo...

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How many high school theaters have crystal chandeliers in th...

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The Sedona Rouge hotel, across the street from the Harkins, ...

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These signs were all over town. The festival is a popular e...

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Sedona is a beautiful area. This is the view from the roof ...

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Another shot from the roof.

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This is the typical projection setup at the Harkins. Cineme...

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A close-up shot of the V5, with its motorized lens turret. ...

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A similar projection setup in a smaller house. This one use...

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Some of the prints shown at the festival. The theatre'...

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Apparently someone hates film. (Not to worry ... we ran the...

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Built-up prints on boards designed to make print movements e...

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As with most festivals now, much of the programming was on v...

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All of the video decks were set up in one central area, so t...

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And this is the other half.

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We removed the theatre's LCD video projectors (normally...

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We had snow for several days of the festival -- supposedly, ...
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