Mann Union Square 6
Lakewood, Colorado
Another majestic theater that exudes its power!
The lobby is literally filled with lights around the perimeter and
all through the ceiling! Interesting that it is still dark in there.
This picture was taken on a busy Saturday night. There are no
employees as the manager can run the entire complex! During the time
of this picture, he was threading upstairs.
Normally the lines go out the door and well into the parking lot.
Just because it is empty here doesn't mean that the theater doesn't do
any business! Really! You just gotta believe me!
Here they are, the fabulous Cinema Film Systems SUPER platters!
This theater has actually taken pieces of cardboard and glued them onto
the outer flanges of the rollers in an attempt to keep the film from flying
off of them. Note the upside-down "dished" platter decks. Excellent
design for throwing prints!
The buildup area with "light awning" to prevent flooding the neighboring
auditorium with light.
Kudos to the person who came up with that idea.
The projectors are Simplex, but the pictures did not turn out.