The Granada Movie
Grill - Prestonwood
Dallas, Tx, USA
The Granada Movie Grill Prestonwood 5 by day.
The Granada Movie Grill Prestonwood 5 by night.
"Dinner, drinks and a movie" is the slogan.
Neon edged backlit poster cases look great in person, but wreaks havoc
on a digital camera.
The lobby. (Left side)
The lobby. (Center)
The lobby. (Right)
Auditorium hallway. Each auditorium is named after a classic
single screen in Dallas, although the projectionists use traditional numbering.
View of the large auditorium. Every row of seats alternates between
table and bar seating.
View of the smallest auditorium.
Reverse shot of the medium sized auditorium. The back half of
this auditorium has been converted into a kitchen.
View of the large auditorium during a movie. (Actual picture
on screen, no digital touch-ups.)
The stairway to the booth has been decorated in posters.
Projector #1 (large auditorium). Features DTS and SRD.
Century JJ projector, Strong Highlight 4000 watt console and Christie AW3
platter. Automation is UA Laser Barcode.
Sound rack for #1. DTS currently running in this auditorium.
Projector #2 (medium sized auditorium) with the same equipment as #1.
Auditorium #2 sound rack. Also running DTS at the time of this
Video control rack and centralized patch panel. The projectors
for the small auditoriums are down this hallway.
All 3 of the small auditoriums have Century SA projectors, older style
Christie 2000 watt consoles and Christie AW3 platters.
Close-up shot of a Century SA projector with SRD penthouse reader.
Shot of the hallway near buildup tables.
Reverse shot of the hallway showing buildup area.
For those interested in that conglomerate of rollers on the ceiling...
...this is lovingly referred to as "the clusterfuck". The interlock
system is set up to utilize only two rollers per interlock, using the existing
platter mounted rollers for the rest of the film path. It may appear
confusing, but each roller is clearly labeled which projectors it jumps
together, is incredibly simple threading and virtually foolproof.
(The hallway with the large auditoriums have many, many rollers to go around
corners due to the construction of offices in the booth between projectors.)