Got a bit of a surprise when I saw this posted on Ebay:
What surprises me is that prints are usually sold between the collecting community...putting them on eBay was considered very dangerous due to the studios' sometime insane legal maneuvers against collectors. I am even more surprised that eBay has not taking this post down as they have had a policy of not allowing 16mm or 35mm prints on their platform as they were chicken shits worried they could be named as third party conspirators if a copyright infringement dispute arose. I also wonder if he thinks this almost 13k$ price tag will be enough to cover his legal court costs when Disney serves him. Man, it sure seems that prices for prints have skyrocketed considerably since I last acquired one. I have a 4trk mag...maybe now selling it could let me finally install a nice pool .
Just for laughs, I asked the seller if this perhaps is the reissue with the Irwin Kostal soundtrack that was issued sometime in the early 90s. That version has all the Deems Taylor intros deleted (too hokey for modern audience thought Disney execs, only to find that messing with a classic got them nothing but nasty criticism from the public and even more critical shade from the critics. Now if you ever tried tod to book that version for the better (much better) stereo sound, you might not be able to even get them to admit they every had such a version. In fact, try and get them to admit they once made a "CinemaScope" version where just the music sections were anamorphic, keeping the Deems Taylor intros at 1.37:1 and then thru the "magic" of Disney, just as the animation and music started, the image widened (stretch) to scope. Talk about CinemaScope causing people to look like they have the mumps. Now you have Mickey Mouse with not only the mumps but looking like an incredibly obese mouse. Critics again lambasted Disney for mucking around with the classic. .
What surprises me is that prints are usually sold between the collecting community...putting them on eBay was considered very dangerous due to the studios' sometime insane legal maneuvers against collectors. I am even more surprised that eBay has not taking this post down as they have had a policy of not allowing 16mm or 35mm prints on their platform as they were chicken shits worried they could be named as third party conspirators if a copyright infringement dispute arose. I also wonder if he thinks this almost 13k$ price tag will be enough to cover his legal court costs when Disney serves him. Man, it sure seems that prices for prints have skyrocketed considerably since I last acquired one. I have a 4trk mag...maybe now selling it could let me finally install a nice pool .

Just for laughs, I asked the seller if this perhaps is the reissue with the Irwin Kostal soundtrack that was issued sometime in the early 90s. That version has all the Deems Taylor intros deleted (too hokey for modern audience thought Disney execs, only to find that messing with a classic got them nothing but nasty criticism from the public and even more critical shade from the critics. Now if you ever tried tod to book that version for the better (much better) stereo sound, you might not be able to even get them to admit they every had such a version. In fact, try and get them to admit they once made a "CinemaScope" version where just the music sections were anamorphic, keeping the Deems Taylor intros at 1.37:1 and then thru the "magic" of Disney, just as the animation and music started, the image widened (stretch) to scope. Talk about CinemaScope causing people to look like they have the mumps. Now you have Mickey Mouse with not only the mumps but looking like an incredibly obese mouse. Critics again lambasted Disney for mucking around with the classic. .